Sunday, April 29, 2012

Challenge #3: Flirt to Convert... is Evil!

The young lady who gave her talk before me mentioned 'convertin' flirtin'', I think you should elaborate and define for us guys ;-)
~ Aaron Armstrong

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Challenge #2: Advice

You mentioned advice giving in your last blog. I would like to hear your thoughts about importance of advice (if important. If not I would like to hear that too) and whether or not advice should be given at all (maybe at the expense of experiencing for ones self)
~Jeremy Baum

Monday, April 23, 2012

Challenge #1: What Makes Beth Angry?

"Ok Beth you presented a challenge to those of us how view your V-blog challenge accepted.
Now I've viewed several of your V-blogs I have found you speak on uplifting spiritual matters that you have a strong view on. What makes you angry? What is it that turns your stomach and how do you deal with it? Good luck with this."
~David Corum

This was a very interesting post for me.  It's a little long, but watch it through to the end.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Strength and Super Powers

It is so easy to just give up and push everything away.  It's as easy as making the choice to do so.  Life doesn't just stop happening when you've figured out one aspect of it, no, it keeps coming at you and you can either take the bad with the good and keep moving forward (As Elder Bednar states, you can act...) or you can just let it all happen to you and make no progression (... or be acted upon).