Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Strength and Super Powers

It is so easy to just give up and push everything away.  It's as easy as making the choice to do so.  Life doesn't just stop happening when you've figured out one aspect of it, no, it keeps coming at you and you can either take the bad with the good and keep moving forward (As Elder Bednar states, you can act...) or you can just let it all happen to you and make no progression (... or be acted upon).


  1. What super power would I want? Wow, this is kind of a hard one because I have always though that reading people's minds would be cool to have, then I thought of how much I would be influenced by the negative thoughts that many people have. I just recently read a book where a guy helped people overcome the hardships in their lives that they can get over by helping them go through the pain that they endured. I think this would be an interesting one to have as well, but still probably not the ultimate ability. The super power that I would probably want the most would be the power to heal disease. I would be able to touch someone and cure them of their disease whatever it may be. Good vlog today Beth!

    1. Thank you. I like your super power. Very interesting ideas.
