Saturday, April 28, 2012

Challenge #2: Advice

You mentioned advice giving in your last blog. I would like to hear your thoughts about importance of advice (if important. If not I would like to hear that too) and whether or not advice should be given at all (maybe at the expense of experiencing for ones self)
~Jeremy Baum


  1. I personally like your hair (most people think I strange so feel free not to listen to me) and the only thing that matters is if you do.

  2. Ohhh, I would give anything to go back in time and react differently to that RUDE lady that confronted Jenna and I at Mission Burrito!! I kept pretty calm until I saw how upset she made Jenna, and then I put myself into the fire by going to that lady's table after everyone left the restaurant. I sooooo behaved badly. I still can't get over the nerve of this lady, coming out of her way to tell us how awful we and our children were and how great she and her children were. I think a VERY important thing is to NOT be offended when someone offers their advice or opinion...because not everyone is tactful. Some cluelessly give bad or unwanted advice and some purposefully give advice to inflict pain. This lady was definitely the latter. So...BE YE NOT OFFENDED!!! Let the mean or clueless person do their little rant, smile and say ADIOS!

    1. Ellen, I bust up when Jenna told me what you said. I think it was in defense of every single mother, spouse of a deployed soldier and mother trying her hardest under various circumstances... it was brilliant. You took care of the fact that it made you feel bad, but that lady's going to think twice before she says anything like that again, and if she ever does say something, the next person probably won't have the guts to stand up for herself.

      Life is not about submitting to cruel behavior, a great deal of it is defending yourself by action, not necessarily reaction. That's my two cents.
