Thursday, December 8, 2011

Epic Randomness in silence


  1. I cant say much for the content... but the video got me thinking about how I've been doing the same thing this morning because I really like my mustache. It feels funny because up until now it was never full enough to look good. So now that it is comming in so dense I find myself constantly playing with it and staring at it. In about 2 months it otta be like Tom Selleck's... I hope. Me and the guys are gonna start our own Magnum PI crew and go tear up the town on my "Guy-Nights". I just need a red Hawaiin shirt. I already have someone to fill the roles of Rick, TC, and Higgins. Now I just need a big Samoan dude, two Dobermans, and a nice red Lotus sports car. But my truck will do. LOL

  2. Sweet. I don't think you could tell that I was wiggling my ears and flaring my nostrils on here. I think everybody should do a post like this... just look at all your facial expressions. It's random, but fun.

  3. Your toothyness 40 seconds in totally reminds me of Jim. LOL
