This is Raw... it means being you, yourself and only you inside and out. It means being the same person in private as you are in public. It means being amazing by being the original and beautiful you down to the core.
Sooo easier said than done! My children's stepmom is continually critical of me.....ME!! I'm their Mom! And yet she feels the need to give me parenting lessons and nit picks all that I do. It takes so much effort to not let it get me down...and as soon as I get over it and choose to love her, she's back at it. So exhausting! Sometimes we have one-time offenses then other times we have an on-going battle. So hard to find peace amidst constant negativity....
Sooo easier said than done! My children's stepmom is continually critical of me.....ME!! I'm their Mom! And yet she feels the need to give me parenting lessons and nit picks all that I do. It takes so much effort to not let it get me down...and as soon as I get over it and choose to love her, she's back at it. So exhausting! Sometimes we have one-time offenses then other times we have an on-going battle. So hard to find peace amidst constant negativity....