Thursday, December 1, 2011

Me in My Raw Form

Welcome to my first ever video blog posting.  It's me in My Raw Form!  What's your raw form?


  1. This is fun! I love watching you! It's even better than just reading your words...I get to see your facial expressions and hear your voice. Awesomeness!! Oops...leaving a comment in the middle of your vlog made it go away...gotta start it up again! lol

  2. Oh my goodness, he's so cuuuuuute!! I want to eat him up!!

  3. Its interesting. I havent heard you talk much since graduation and I get so used to reading your stuff instead of watching and listening. You need to do a few more singing videos again. I told you that when you posted them. Its also why I wasnt suprised that you were in a musical. You have a great voice.
